Kings Cross Steelers Rugby Club – 2014 means not wearing much
November 11, 2013Rugby time again. This time it’s the King’s Cross Steelers. The first open membership gay and bisexual rugby club in the world, the Steelers are now one of over 40 ‘gay’ rugby teams across the world.
Every 2 years all these teams come together to compete in a tournament called the ‘Bingham Cup’. It’s the World Championship of gay rugby. It’s also the largest men’s 15-aside rugby union tournament in the sporting calendar outside of the IRB Rugby World Cup. The next Bingham Cup is in Sydney starting in late August 2014.
The 2014 KX Steelers calendar raises funds to send a strong squad to Australia and helps to cover the substantial costs involved in taking part in such an iconic tournament.
So, it was a done-deal. The hot boys of the Steeler’s rugby club have stripped off and teamed up with London photographer Felipe Tozzato to produce an amazing 2014 calendar filled with hot, sweaty, well oiled guys in their underwear or less! It’s a big one too – printed in A3 and priced at £12.
Calendars can be purchased online at kxscalendar.com or at one of their upcoming calendar parties. Calendars can also be purchased on match days at our clubhouse in West Ham (check The KX Steelers Facebook page for fixtures).