Max Emerson, on a bicycle, in briefs – just enough to make you swoon

Max Emerson, on a bicycle, in briefs – just enough to make you swoon

August 10, 2017 0 By Man Crush

Writer, director and model Max Emerson has been showing off on Instagram – not that we’re complaining at all. Whether he’s on a pushbike…


Or in a city centre square in his Calvins…..

Having #pride means never having no shame. ? @verygorgeous7 (link in bio)

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Or on a bed… in his Calvins….

Not leaving my #bedroom Til @andrescamilo___ gets home.

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Or wearing headphones….

#conferenceCall #dressCode, courtesy of #jetLag.

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Or at the beach…..

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Or with a puppy….

Or cooking….

Or floating on a giant inflatable Unicorn….


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Or holding a Baseball Bat….

Training to become the #world #calvinBall #champion. ?@cleverprimeuk

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Or in London

And on a London hire bike …